Behind every company there are people — people with fascinating stories to tell about the company’s beginnings, it’s inner workings and the vision for the future. It gets especially interesting when it’s about African travel and when you get to hear the stories from the founders themselves, with heartwarming personal accounts of their early experiences and humanitarian projects they’re involved in.
This is exactly what we have here today: an interview with Ntaba African Safaris. Let’s hear their story. Read More
I think many people have the dream of leaving their big city lives behind and going off to live a simpler life in a faraway country, at least for a while. But that takes courage or a set of circumstances to give you the right nudge. Today we feature an interview with Rory Gillett of Turn It To Trvl, who did just that and travelled to Malawi, and managed to combine volunteering with freelancing while experiencing the local culture and life to the full extent.
Let’s have him describe the experience in his own words.
South America is a truly wondrous continent. The variety of cultures, landscapes and activities can keep you coming back again and again. It’s probably easier to pack lots of different stuff into a single to trip to South America than to most other continents. Whether you’re after culture, history, adventure, wildlife, or all of those combined, South America should be on your bucket list and probably not once, but many times over. Read More
Today we have an interview with Malawian Style and talk to them about safari travel in Malawi and Zambia. We also talk about the state of wildlife conservation in Africa, since who better to ask than people who work in this field every day. Read More
Today we are publishing an interview with SASO ‘Gorilla Trips’ Uganda Safaris – a provider of one of the most unique wilderness experiences in the world: mountain gorilla trekking.
This is a must read for the adventurous type. This article is long and chock full of amazing details. Here we go. Read More